Supplier, as defined in Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG)
Regine IQtrim GmbH
Industriestraße 9
72461 Albstadt (Germany)
Phone: +49 7432 90711 0
Fax: +49 7432 90711 29
E-mail: info@regineiqtrim.com
Regine Wissmann, Hans-Ulrich Center
Court of registration: Amtsgericht Stuttgart
Registered under number: HRB 726 655
Registered office in: Albstadt
VAT ID no. according to Section 27a of the German Value Added Tax Act (UStG): DE 260 073 143
3.Responsibility for content
Person responsible for content according to Section 55(2) of the Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (RStV)
Regine Wissmann
Copyright ©2019 Regine IQtrim GmbH
All rights reserved.
Responsible supervisory authority:
The State Commissioner for Data Protection and the Freedom of Information for Baden-Württemberg [Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit Baden-Württemberg]
Postfach 102932
70025 Stuttgart (Germany)
Phone: +49 711 61554 10
Fax: +49 711 61554 115
E-mail: poststelle@lfdi.bwl.de
Web: httpss://www.baden-wuerttemberg.datenschutz.de
5.Data Protection Officer
The data protection officer of the Data Controller for processing is:
Simmack Business Consulting – DIE-DIGITALLOTSEN
Henrik Simmack
Hinter Gärten 8
72459 Albstadt (Germany)
Phone: +49 07435 929 097 4
E-mail: info@die-digitallotsen.com
Web: https://www.s-bc.de/
As a natural person/data subject, you can contact our Data Protection Officer at any time if you have any questions or comments on data protection.
6.Dispute resolution
Regine IQtrim GmbH is neither obliged nor prepared to participate in the consumer dispute resolution procedure.
7.Terms and conditions of use
The use of any of the Regine IQtrim GmbH websites (“Regine IQtrim GmbH website(s)”) is subject exclusively to the following terms and conditions. In certain cases, these General Terms and Conditions of Use may be supplemented, modified or replaced by other conditions, e.g. for the purchase of products/services. The applicability of the respective version of these Terms and Condition of Use is deemed to be accepted upon logging in or upon use if a separate log-in is not required.
8.Data protection notice
If one of our websites offers a function to enter your personal or business data (email addresses, names, addresses, etc.), this data is provided on an expressly voluntary basis. There is no requirement to provide such data or there is the option of providing anonymised data or a pseudonym, when using and paying for the services, where this is technically possible. Third parties are not permitted to use the contact data published in the imprint or similar information such as postal addresses, telephone numbers and fax numbers as well as email addresses in order to send information that has not been expressly requested. We reserve the right to take legal action against any parties who send us spam in breach of this prohibition. For further information on data protection, please refer to our Privacy Policy, which forms part of these Terms and Conditions of Use. You can view the Privacy Policy here: httpss://www.regineiqtrim.com/privacy-policy
9.Registration and password
Some pages of the Regine IQtrim GmbH websites are password-protected. Such pages may only be accessed by registered users. There is no entitlement to register with Regine IQtrim GmbH. Regine IQtrim GmbH is entitled to revoke access at any time by blocking the user’s log-in data without any reason being required, in particular if the user has provided false information during registration, has acted in breach of these Terms and Conditions of Use or his/her duty of care in handling the log-in data, has acted in breach of the applicable law while accessing or using the Regine IQtrim GmbH website, or has not used the Regine IQtrim GmbH website for an extended period of time. Users are required to provide accurate information during registration and to inform Regine IQtrim GmbH immediately of any subsequent changes (online, if possible).
10.User obligations
When using the Regine IQtrim GmbH website, users are prohibited from: causing harm to any persons, in particular minors, and infringing their personal rights; acting in breach of standards of decency; breaching industrial property rights, copyrights or other property rights; sending content containing viruses, Trojan horses or other programs that can damage software; entering, saving or sending any hyperlinks or content which he/she is not permitted to do so, in particular if such hyperlinks or content are in breach of confidentiality obligations or are unlawful; or distributing adverts or unsolicited emails (spam) or false warnings about viruses, malfunctions, etc. or promoting sweepstakes, pyramid schemes, chain letters and similar activity. Regine IQtrim GmbH may block access to the Regine IQtrim GmbH website at any time, in particular if the user does not fulfil his/her obligations under these Terms and Conditions of Use.
11.Applicable law
German law applies. For consumers, this law applies only in so far as this does not remove the protection provided by mandatory provisions under the law of the country in which the consumer habitually resides (favourability principle).
The provisions of the UN Sales Convention explicitly do not apply.
The content of these websites is made freely available and provided free of charge. It has been created with the greatest possible care. However, we expressly assume no liability or other responsibility for the accuracy, validity or completeness of the information provided on these websites. We reserve the right to modify the information on our websites without prior announcement. Regine IQtrim GmbH is entitled to withdraw Regine IQtrim GmbH websites, in whole or in part, at any time. Due to the nature of the internet and IT systems, Regine IQtrim GmbH cannot guarantee the uninterrupted availability of Regine IQtrim GmbH websites. In addition, in accessing the content of these websites, which is made freely available and provided free of charge, no contractual relationship exists between us and you as the user of the website, on the grounds that there is no legal intention on our part to be bound by such a relationship.
13.Links and references
Our websites may contain links to external websites. These websites are not under our control and we therefore cannot assume any liability for their content or privacy policy. In the case of direct or indirect references to external websites (“hyperlinks”) which are outside of our responsibility as a supplier, we may only be held liable if we were aware of the content, and it was technically possible and reasonable for us to prevent use in the case of illegal content. Regine IQtrim GmbH hereby expressly declares that it could not identify any illegal content on any websites to which a link is provided, at the time that the link was added to our website. We have no influence on the current and future design, content or authorship of pages to which a link is provided. Therefore, we hereby expressly disassociate ourselves from all content on any websites to which a link is provided which was modified after the link was added to our website. This statement applies to links and references on our own websites, as well as third-party entries in guestbooks, discussion forums, link directories, mailing lists and in all other types of databases which we provide and may be edited by third parties. Liability for illegal, inaccurate or incomplete content and in particular for damage resulting from the use or non-use of such information lies with the provider of the website to which the link or reference refers, not the operator of the website which contains the link. Under no circumstances may Regine IQtrim GmbH be held liable for any damage of any kind whatsoever arising from or in connection with the use of the information provided here, whether direct or indirect, or consequential damage including loss of profit or loss of data.
14.Copyright and labelling law
The content of these websites, including the design, is protected by copyright. It may not be duplicated, distributed, reproduced or processed in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Regine IQtrim GmbH, unless expressly stated in individual cases. This also applies expressly to content provided by third parties. Copyright for material published by Regine IQtrim GmbH remains the property of its author. It is not permitted to reproduce or use such graphics, sounds, videos and texts in other electronic or printed publications, without the express consent of Regine IQtrim GmbH. In so far as the content on this website was not created by the operator, the copyrights of third parties are respected. Content belonging to third parties is identified as such. Please do inform us if you become aware of a copyright infringement. In such cases, we will remove the content immediately.
15.Trademarks and brand names
The brands and trademarks mentioned on our websites are subject to the provisions of the applicable labelling law and, where applicable, the ownership rights of the respective owners.
16.Third-party image rights
The pictures published on this website are taken from the Regine IQtrim GmbH photo archive. The respective image rights are reserved by Regine IQtrim GmbH.
17.Legal validity of disclaimer
This disclaimer should be regarded as part of the website from which this page was referenced. If any parts or individual terms of this statement are not lawful or accurate, this does not affect the content or validity of the rest of it.